There is no doubt whatsoever that a great deal of what they publish varies from mildly to grossly inaccurate. I've pointed to other claims on their Paine video that are absolute rubbish. I HOPE they will follow up ... that's all I can say about it at the moment. Their shallow treatment goes into a great deal of their historical documentaries broadcast on the PBS cable channel. I will stipulate that their documentaries -- whether scientific at which they do better or history at which they always seem to take the most trivial view -- are generally superior to their news and social commentary that I would rate mostly rubbish. FRONTLINE with very few exceptions simply carries the State Department, CIA, Russophobe, and pro-war stance fed to them by the former and enforced by their corporate handlers. It's sad. Public television isn't public in any sense of the word. Even the advertisements -- now on behalf of their corporate overlords -- go on as long as the old commericial TV ads USED to.
Kudos for going after them. It makes me wonder how much fact checking they do on anything.
There is no doubt whatsoever that a great deal of what they publish varies from mildly to grossly inaccurate. I've pointed to other claims on their Paine video that are absolute rubbish. I HOPE they will follow up ... that's all I can say about it at the moment. Their shallow treatment goes into a great deal of their historical documentaries broadcast on the PBS cable channel. I will stipulate that their documentaries -- whether scientific at which they do better or history at which they always seem to take the most trivial view -- are generally superior to their news and social commentary that I would rate mostly rubbish. FRONTLINE with very few exceptions simply carries the State Department, CIA, Russophobe, and pro-war stance fed to them by the former and enforced by their corporate handlers. It's sad. Public television isn't public in any sense of the word. Even the advertisements -- now on behalf of their corporate overlords -- go on as long as the old commericial TV ads USED to.
Thanks for your comment, Constance.