You may recall this post linked below from February 9. PBS did contact this blog after a couple of weeks’ hiatus and agreed to consult with an unnamed historian. They wrote again today to confirm that the John Adams quote IS without basis and they have agreed to remove it from their presentation on Paine. HOWEVER, they have yet to respond on the other demonstrable errors on their site. Here’s my reply just sent:
”_____, your diligence in following this up is much appreciated. Thanks.
The original 1792 evidence on the actual source of that quote is HARD to track down. The only copy of the original of which I'm away is in the British Library. Can't blame you or your consulting historian for not tracking it down.
That said, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the old slanders about him being impoverished at death and "dying along" are similarly flawed and easily refuted (see my original link provided). I hope you'll correct them, but I'm grateful for the steps you've taken to date. Honestly, it's more than I expected. If you want any assistance on a new script, I'd be happy to assist -- for no consideration if credited on the site; for a reasonable retainer if not.
Either way, thanks again for the follow-up.
Kenneth W. Burchell, Ph.D., GIA GG”
And the beat goes on …
Kudos for going after them. It makes me wonder how much fact checking they do on anything.