Yes, this statement of Vladmir Putin is doubly true, firstly in that he said it, and secondly because it’s a historical fact. It seems to be implying that if might makes right, he is justified in using the same tactics to protect his nation.

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What part of ‘think the statement's only claim to truth is the “in many regions of the world” qualifier’ do you not understand, Ken? Isn’t that a clear, nuanced “yes”?

And I know that you are ostensibly thinking of the US, because you’re setting this up so you can take it in a specific direction, but if it had nothing to do with justifying Putin's actions (or eventually framing him and/or Russia up as a victim) by painting the US as the aggressor, then why quote him this way?

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Thanks for clarifying what I certainly believe is the truth of the quote. Can't say as much for the attempt at reading my mind. I'm not "taking" this anywhere; it's intended as a stand-alone quiz and the reader can draw their own conclusions. I do think that it is a stunning contrast to the lies coming from our own leaders. I find the idea that it "justifies" what you call "Putin's actions" in Ukraine interesting, but I don't and wouldn't make that claim simply because it ignores the entire history and environment in Ukraine and the Donbas; the proximate reason for the present incursion.

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I think the statement's only claim to truth is the “in many regions of the world” qualifier. That notwithstanding, why is it relevant to justifying Putin's actions? I know who said it because I watched the speech by the person who uttered it, albeit with subtitles.

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Finally a moment to respond more fully. Again, thanks for commenting. Who said anything about "justifying Putin's actions?" My question was very straightforward -- is the statement true or not ? I was thinking about the USA rather than Putin. You say the statements "only claim to truth" is the qualifier. Are you certain ? I can name effortlessly any number of examples of the quote just from my lifetime: Iran (1953), Chile (Pinochet), Syria (ISIL and Al Nusra), Viet Nam and Cambodia, Guatemala and our puppet generals, Nicaragua and Somoza, Marcos in the Philippines, Al-Shabaab in Somalia ... I could go on and on ... not even mentioning the many lawless assassinations of world leaders. As the old bumper sticker reads: "We're making enemies faster than we can kill them." I suppose you may want to name Japan as an example of the contrary ... and I might agree at least in part. But as you yourself pointed out, the statement says "NEARLY." So, you are of course free to despise Pres. Putin, but precisely as it is the statement is demonstrably true, isn't it ?

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Thanks !! for your comment, Jim.

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