“Nearly everywhere, in many regions of the world where the United States brought its law and order, this created bloody, unhealing wounds and the curse of international terrorism and extremism.”
You must answer both questions and answer them in order:
1). Is the statement true ?
2). Who said it ?
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Yes, this statement of Vladmir Putin is doubly true, firstly in that he said it, and secondly because it’s a historical fact. It seems to be implying that if might makes right, he is justified in using the same tactics to protect his nation.
What part of ‘think the statement's only claim to truth is the “in many regions of the world” qualifier’ do you not understand, Ken? Isn’t that a clear, nuanced “yes”?
And I know that you are ostensibly thinking of the US, because you’re setting this up so you can take it in a specific direction, but if it had nothing to do with justifying Putin's actions (or eventually framing him and/or Russia up as a victim) by painting the US as the aggressor, then why quote him this way?