Joe Biden is not the good guy, not by a long shot. There isn’t a good guy. But the nation … nay, the world … owes him a thanks. This may be his last act, but he will have at least spoken one truth … in his career. The Donald is a whiner; a big whiner. In fact, he may be one of the biggest whiners in history. It always shocks me that people don’t just come out and say it. “Stolen election !!” “They’re using lawfare on me !!” “Judicial Persecution!” Waaa ! WHO’S THE SNOWFLAKE NOW?
But Joe said it. “God … what a whiner.”
Thanks, old boy.
Something else.
Understand; my hate-affair with Joe Biden has gone one for at least 52 years; yes, 52 years. You may have read or heard me say that Biden has been on the wrong side of every damn issue of his entire career. Lest you doubt me, I’ve attached two previous at the bottom of this page should anyone wish to detour down memory lane.
I literally despise the guy … truly … you liberals have got to believe me. I know it’s hard. You think he’s nice: he’s not. You’re just gullible. Hang in there. You’ll eventually outgrow it.
But tonight, watching the debate, I almost feel ashamed to admit it … I felt sorry for him. It was hard not to feel real sorrow, pity. Someone close to me commented “I wouldn’t do that to MY grandpa,” meaning put him out there on the stage like that. Make him do the todderer-walk where he puts his hands out in front of him and kinda looks like he’s doing a dance as he maneuvers across the stage. I caught myself feeling sorry for him. Good heavens. I’m weakening. I’ve got to get a grip.
So … the banner beneath the CNN page at the end of the debate said something like “Democratic Insiders: the party is in full panic mode.” Well, it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
I was happy the world could see this monster turned into a brain-dead old man with his mouth agape.
The emperor has no clothes. This is proof to the world that the politicians are not in charge.
Jill Stein may be too far left for many people, but she is a far better candidate to serve the people than Biden or Trump. She demonstrates integrity and honesty.