Alas … of note in recent years, it seems the largest buyer of corporate media is Big Pharm. One cannot watch any legacy newscast with out a total barrage of diseases we heretofore never heard of anyone having, strange slo-mo action, weird creatures depicting diseases and the worst yet… catchy tune earworms that won’t go away! Shameless in their shirking of delivering more that 2 sentences on a subject, they cut out for the fat rotation of pharma-propaganda. Tsk task. Bloggers and Podders seem to be the only diggers in the field of at least attempting to bring forth a harvest of truth.

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Thanks for your comment, Jeannette, and for pointing out yet another despicable feature of contemporary media. I imagie you'll agree 100% when say that I have LONG believed that direct pharma marketing to the public should be banned ... with the full awareness that it likely won't ever happen ... because the money is all and everything .

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I 100% agree! The drug reps got kicked out of docs offices because they monopolized their lunch hours daily, peddling drugs. In modern life, standard operating procedure is docs work for pharm cos.

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My primary physician complains of this, and he says that the insurance companies are the ones practicing medicine, not him. He was such a great physician when I first met him. It feels to me, that he has become browbeaten, exhausted, co-opted, and disheartened. I’ve watched the entire evolution, and it is deeply disconcerting, even heartbreaking. And I fear that I am losing a good care provider. Ugh.

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Enjoyed the article. As we know, the written page often is purposely misinforming, unfortunately we can’t blame Gutenberg exclusively for the fourth estate (lol).

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thanks for your comment, my friend.

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