An uplifting essay on the democracy of ownership of land stolen from the indigenes. So it comes about that while the prize has changed, the game is yet the same, and still the commoner has naught to claim.

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Good to hear from you, brother.

Yes ... and yet there is an underlying truth to the message. Our heritage is the earth. It belongs to no person and yet EVERY person is entitled to live and feed themselves (and others) on a portion of it. Mankind belongs to the earth; not the earth to mankind. The earth and Nature hold property in mankind; not the reverse. We have inverted our right relationship with life and nature. That's why we are killing ourselves AND the earth.

And isn't the portion of this platform that addresses machine labor in the time of AI prophetic? If we placed our focus or devotion upon living WITHIN nature, not above it, couldn't we participate in the re-generation of nature ... instead of exterminating it?

I have long believed that mankind in heading in the direction of a place so dark and dystopian that we and our posterity will be horrifically sorry we ever went there. I hope I'm wrong and fear that I am right.

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"In Europe God’s Inheritance to man is usurped by the Aristocracy." In the New World, Nature's inheritance is usurped by capital and a corporate aristocracy.

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