Adams may have sincerely believed what he wrote. History tells us that the American System originated in law, socio-political arrangements and institutions forged out of warfare and entrenched privilege. Manifest destiny included the freedom to enslave persons of color and attempt to either annihilate the First Nations or deprive them of their cultural identify. The Hawaiian Islands were secured by imperialist conquest. Cuba was liberated from Spanish control, then occupied, as was the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Adams was still alive when the U.S. Army under Zachary Taylor invaded Mexico. The U.S. may have purchased Alaska from the Russians, but the southwestern United States was taken by imperialist warfare.

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Thanks for the comment, Ed. Many others opposed the imperialist/economic interpretation of American exceptionalism as well. One was Abraham Lincoln. Henry David Thoreau refused to pay taxes that would support the war and was subsequently jailed, where he wrote his essay Civil Disobedience. There were many others, but the economic power has always held sway here.

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and seeks to advance its interest the world over ... by force as is deems it useful.

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Thank you, professor. Two hundred years have separated J.Q. Adams stated ideals from the lived reality of today. The current President could never claim that freedom loving America. Sad truth; and one of the only certain truths. In the city of a contemporary Adams, I yesterday encountered an immigrant family stranded on a midtown city street corner begging for food. Their own country, and currently (¿)Palestine (?) thrown into deadly turmoil in the name of Freedom. What a sad and tragic joke this world has become. Where are the leaders who will deliver us from this plight? Once was Debbs, King, and Malcom, now we’re offered Biden or Trump. We need to raise a flag anew for Freedom and true justice; but who will lead, and when?

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Thank for reading and "getting" 21CR. I'm grateful for your comments and its cheering and reassuring to hear them. And you've indeed boiled it down to the chicken-bones of the matter: a floundering, disastrous crisis with no leadership ... worse yet, catastrophic leadership. The country needs a great leader. I'm as certain of that as you. History shows it again and again. What I suspect in addition, though, is that we all have to stand up in whatever ways we can, great and small, all equally essential, and stir the pot. Everyone a ladle in one hand and a match to light the fire in the other. Out of which brew, then, our leaders (note the plural) will naturally arise.

JQ Adams is worth knowing; a brilliant, complex, and troubled man. Americans certainly don't remember him well enough. Secretary of State under President James Monroe (1817 – 1825) and President of the US 1825-1829, his greatest achievements were arguably still ahead of him. That alone marks him worth notice.

Adams wasn't the only influential American of his time to foretell the death of American revolutionary principles on the altar of the blood-smeared baby-eating god of war.

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