A bracing analysis delivered at warp speed. I would like to read it in transcript. But it tears down the reportage we’ve been forcefed by the reliably inept media. Official or Unofficial seems to be the hinge. Sending decisions back to the lower courts allows the adversarial former president more delay ops, but he’s still on the hook; official or unofficial. The ball is still in play. Let’s hope that Smith doesn’t allow Aileen Cannon to run the clock.

I feel a bit better. Now, let’s dump Joe.

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I don't always agree with Glenn, but on this issue I believe he is 100% on the mark. This shit has been going on AT LEAST since Reagan. We have defacto executive immunity especially on foreign policy. This stinks. I agree again with Glenn -- there should be none. My parents, bless them, taught me that in America no one is above the law, not even the president. They were unfortunately wrong. That said, the SCOTUS decision is not the disaster it's being portrayed as by the MSM and other Chicken LIttles.

Something he did NOT emphasize but ought to ... the "originalist" SCOTUS is inventing new laws out of whole cloth on an almost daily basis. Truth is that the SCOTUS has always been, with one or two FLEETING exceptions, an institution of reaction and oppression. The current court is one of the worst in history. We need a cleansing.

Thanks as always for your comment, brother.

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