Thomas Paine, a born Englishman who adopted a colony as his home, and contributed exceptionally, to the birth of the American idea of government.- Vive la France
Indeed, my brother. Once he renounced loyalty to the monarch and government of England -- which he did -- he NEVER again considered or called himself an Englishman. He invoked his US citizenship, considered America home, and called himself "citizen of the world." Thanks for your comment !
Thomas Paine, a born Englishman who adopted a colony as his home, and contributed exceptionally, to the birth of the American idea of government.- Vive la France
Indeed, my brother. Once he renounced loyalty to the monarch and government of England -- which he did -- he NEVER again considered or called himself an Englishman. He invoked his US citizenship, considered America home, and called himself "citizen of the world." Thanks for your comment !