I posted the following comment to this video:

The establishment by government of a state religion is a violation of a fundamental human right. Laws that exempt religious organizations from contributing to pay for public goods and services create privilege. Yes, individuals ought to be free to practice their religious beliefs (subject to constraints imposed by universally-applicable human rights). But, the law guaranteeing freedom of religion is insufficient. The law must guarantee freedom from religion. I wonder how many nation-states today meet these criteria to be considered a just society?

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Thanks for your comment, Ed. Agree on all counts. Efforts to establish a so-called "Christian Dominion" would be struck down, I believe, EVEN by our presently screwed up SCOTUS. Even old John Adams was willing to sign this in the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli ".. “the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”

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