The Left/Right paradigm is all wrong; not only useless, but counterproductive and destructive. It is counterproductive because it clouds and confuses the issues and has almost no explanatory power. This is especially pertinent when we are talking about Democrats versus Republicans in the USA. First, Democrats are not Left in any meaningful sense of the world. In economics, they are Neo-liberal; as are, incidently, Republicans. This seems self-explanatory to me, but if anyone thinks they can contest the idea, we enthusiastically await your comments
Second, a couple of examples suffice for the many that may be invoked. Once the “Left” was antiwar. Now, when it comes to Ukraine, the ONLY meaningful or effective opposition is from the Far Right. The Democrats are “all in.” In fact, MANY on the nominal Left are Russophobe and pro-war. Identity politics, the speciality of the Democratic Party, has even been used to promote the war. Go figure. It is argued that the Ukrainians are performatively pro-LGBTQ+ rights while in Russia non-gender-conforming individuals are expected to keep it private. So we have the spectacle of gay rights being used to promote war. Say what?
To change issues, we find that many socialist-leaning Catholics and others — evan evangelical Christians — favor reproductive rights including abortion. Many credible studies show that a substantial number of Republicans are pro-choice; 26% favor abortion rights in any circumstance and 52% favor it in some circumstances; notably rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother. That’s over HALF of Republicans.
For skeptics on Republican support for reproductive rights, here is the dope:
So what do these terms “Left and Right” really mean ? Those acquainted with us will know that we have been preaching this sermon for a long time now; literally decades. To call oneself or someone else Left or Right tells us nothing and, in the final event, serves only to polarize and cloud the issues. We reject it. The Left/Right model has zero value other than to alienate neighbor from neighbor, family member from family member, friend from friend, and citizen from citizen. It leads to the kind of logjam and “cluster” we see in our legislatures and other governming bodies, state and federal.
What do we propose?
THE ISSUES. Yes. That’s what we need to focus on; just the issues. Where do you stand on war? Where do you stand on reproductive rights? Where do you stand on the right to universal health care? Immigration? Environment? Civil Rights?
We must REJECT and REFUSE the Left/Right terminology and learn to re-direct our personal and public conversations to the issues. And on the issues we will find that there are areas where we can DEAL and compromise, because politics and social stability lay in the ART of compromise.
Great encouragement and support have recently appeared in the research of two scholars — the brothers Verlan Lewis, Ph.D and Hyrum Lewis, Ph.D. In 2023, they published their findings in a book: The Myth of Left and Right: How the Political Spectrum Misleads and Harms America. By all means get and read the book. But for a full and articulate cover of their ideas, here they are in a YouTube talk.
Exploring this same issue from an international context, consider this article detailing the 14 May 2024 conviction of “Far Right” German leader Bjorn Hocke for his use of the expression “All for Germany” (Alles für Deutschland) in his 2021 campaign. He was fined 13,000 euros (about $14,000) and forbidden to use the expression. Without getting into the weeds over the WWII use of this phrase by German Nationalists, we wish to point to the label “Far Right.”
Bad guy, right?
Now watch and listen closely as he is interviewed:
Still think he’s a bad guy? An evil-doer?
Other examples abound from the international scene. We have Marine Le Pen in France, pilloried on the one hand by association with her more extreme father and on other the other as a Far Right politician. Right? An actual look at her political platform reveals that in US or British terms, she is in most respects a moderate socialist who favors the French system of public health, mass public transit (WONDERFUL in France), public education (free in France), and separation of church and state. Ever realize that you might have some significant views in common with her?
Down with Left and Right. Up with the issues. Debate and advocate while listening carefully to the IDEAS of opponents and without resort to facile labels.
THANK YOU for reading. Now leave a comment or SHARE.
Yes! You're so right about this! (Or should I say correct, not right?)
It is true that left and right, Democrat and Republican labels have become rather meaningless. It is a mystery to me that many Dems now support wars and censorship, while many Reps oppose wars and censorship. I am neither a Dem or Rep. But my views are more libertarian and do lean a bit more conservative than they did in the past. For example, I don't think our government should allow - even sponsor - an invasion as we have at the Southern border. For a good political quiz - to see where you really are on the political spectrum - check out the political quiz sponsored by "The Advocates for Self-Government." This can be found online.