At Buhl Jr. High (Buhl, Idaho), I walked down the wooden stairs from the upper floor of the old stone sbuilding with a mob of kids between classes when one of my friends pushed his way up the stairs against the flow and put his face in front of mine "the president has been shot!" We ran down the stairs and to the end of the hall, OUT of the back door of the school together, across the back sports field and down the street to the DQ (Dairy Queen, our hangout) where there was a black and white TV. We didn’t yet know that he had been hit by at least three bullets, his brains literally blown out the back of his head; dead. A shocked and stunned Walter Cronkite would give us that news a bit later. So began DAYS of mourning and heart-ache ... and life foreover changed. Would anyone but perhaps a few deranged Cult 45 members shed a tear if any of our current lot got shot? My own hope is that a large meteor will hit DC on inauguration day and take out both wings of the kakistocracy/plutocracy that blights this greedy, war-mongering, and increasingly ignorant land.
President Kennedy was taken out by a triangulated professional hit complete with pigeon set up for the fall right in front of us and people STILL don’t want to believe their lying eyes. So much easier to regurgitate what they’re told. Oh yeah, thoughts and prayers.
I will never forget and I will never forgive.
I was in junior high in LA. We were at recess when we heard that JFK was shot. By the time we got back to the class room the principal was announcing that Kennedy was dead. Half of the kids cheered and clapped. That was LA in the day. American politics has never been the same. Maybe it never really was. We still haven't learned the lesson of the power of what is called the "Deep State".
How to describe this man? A JFK only comes along every few hundred years. Such a sad day. My father (we're Canadian), was about the same age and who also steped up to defend liberty with body and mind, wept.