The devil ought always be given his due. This is a practice endorsed by the author of this blog. Readers will recall a couple of recent posts that complimented Glenn Greenwald for his sympathetic take on Tucker Carlson. Here are the previous two posts for those who may have missed them, but don’t overlook my brief followup and partial retraction below the linked blog entries:
The intention today was to note some recent offenses by Carlson, notably his platforming of Alex Jones. This strikes me as 100% indefensible and stands as proof that Carlson has no character worth noting or ethic worth respecting. Re-reading my previous posts above, I must admit that I found the circumspection worthy of respect. Nothing particularly good was ever said about Carlson. The emphasis was that all political persuasions in the country (so-called Left and Right) must find ways to JOIN together on SHARED ISSUES before there can be any hope of reform. We must re-learn the skill-set necessary for collaborative political and social change … even with those whom we may detest on other grounds.
That said, however, Carlson’s platforming of Alex Jones gives the appearance of a heinous and scurrilous act. Same for Elon Musk. A pox on them both … and on their houses. But we must nevertheless resolve to ally with them on the causes that matter to us both.