Perhaps the best and most important conversation you’ll hear this year. Here is why:
For decades now, close colleagues and friends have heard me write or say, over and over, that the only possibility for serious change in the USA will come when Left and Right realize that they share more in common than they do in difference.
It’s popular to hate Tucker Carlson. Understood. Some of you do. And there have been many times when it has been easy to detest him. For just one moment, ten minutes, please put aside your contempt — a contempt often shared by this writer — and listen to this discussion with Glenn Greenwald.
Left and Right are over — gone. And good riddance. The division in this country is now between those who support a constitutional republic for the benefit of its citizens and those willing to overthrow, murder, and steal … for money … or some inferior ideology.
Listen … and then let’s “talk.”
I think Tucker Carlson, after working in the propaganda business became skeptical and finally saw the truth. Now he is one of the very few with the courage to tell the truth. It takes both courage and integrity. Something politicians do not have.
I’ve always felt Tucker played a good “devil’s advocate. Whether right or wrong, it’s important for state narratives to be questioned - if for no other reason than to show they can* be questioned. A lot of people assumed he was a hardline Republican because of the network he was on. Glad to see those Fox shackles come off him, though. It’s really quite amazing to see, even now, the naivety towards legacy media..