Despite Biden’s solemn promise that he would NEVER do so, the USA and its NATO “allies” have armed Ukraine with long-range missiles enabling it to launch attacks almost 300 miles into Russia. At the same time, the Ukraine military is struggling to keep afloat. Factually speaking, the latest tranch of US financial assistance is meaningless. MOST of it is being spent to replenish US stockpiles squandered in our leaders’ misguided proxy war and prop up the US economic bubble. The little money that trickles past the pockets of Zelensky and his mob of “leaders” will not save Ukraine or its decimated military, said to have lost 10,000 troops in just the prior month.
Think about it. Ukraine isn’t the first chump-nation stood up in the misbegotten US effort to be cop-of-the-world, to dominate everything; stood up, used, and left in ruins. But don’t feel sorry for Ukraine, their leaders have bled the US and bled their own people. In both cases, US and Ukraine, the common sheeple were herded with the “hate Russia” ruse. How incredibly stupid and effective. This is an old scenario in the Ukraine — see my earlier post on Oliver Stone’s Ukraine on Fire. The Russians sacrificed blood and men to save Ukraine from the Nazis while Ukraines, Poles, and Hungarians collaborated. And the same Russophobic ruse works every time on the easily mislead and bullied American rubes.
How many times do we have to learn the same damn lesson … again and again? How many times before Americans and others in the West wake up and realize they’ve been lied into ALL of the wars of our epoch, without exception, and for dishonorable and pecuniary purposes.
"That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Nations, is as shocking as it is true; but when those who are concerned in the government of a country, make it their study to sow discord and cultivate prejudices between Nations, it becomes the more unpardonable.
Thomas Paine
So Russia needs a buffer zone between the Dontsk republics (now Russian), Crimea (now Russian), and the NATO proxy bludgeon - Ukraine. Under the present circumstances, that could mean as much as a 300 mile (483 kilometer) buffer.
Make no mistake, short of an all-out nuclear attack by NATO and the US, Russia will prevail in this war. This has been obvious from day one; and by day one we mean 2014, not 2022.. Nice work, Victoria Nuland (watch the Stone movie, dammit). So Russia is pushing hard now in order to wrap things up. It is unlikely they will go much further than the Dniper River, with the POSSIBLE exceptions of Odessa and Kiev. The Russian have no desire to own the ethnic Poles, Hungarians, and Ukraines in the east of the country. President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov know very well that they are ungovernable and disloyal. Should Russia take Kiev and Odessa, these areas will likely be surrendered with the guarantee of a secure buffer. No buffer, no compromise.
Don’t blame Russia and its president; the fault is with OUR president and the so-called NATO leadership, with special recognition for our special ally, the murderous British.
Final thought for the night. Anybody notice that the Nordstream sabotage has never been “solved?” Oh my goodness, people. As my French friends say, “O la la …”
Thank you again for pointing out the corruption. Money for Ukraine gets laundered into the pockets of the 0.01% who own the bomb factories. Works everytime!