"Republics exist only on the tenure of being constantly agitated."
Wendell Phillips [1811 – 1884]
Republics are also famously short-lived. Wendell Phillips, the abolitionist and equal rights advocate, spoke when the US was less than one hundred years old. The Scottish historian Alexander Fraser Tytler [1747 — 1813] worked it out that the average age of the world's democracies is around 200 years. In a repeat pattern, democracies and republics collapse due to various economic policies followed by a tyranny or dictatorship.
Alexander Fraser Tytler [1747 — 1813] .
And here we are in the USA today, 247 years old counted from the 1776 Declaration of Independence; perhaps more accurately 235 years old counted from the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America in 1788. Optimistically, we have between 3 and 15 years left of 250 years and we’ve long passed the 200 mark highlighted by Professor Tytler.
We are not much of a republic and may never have been. The “may never have been” discussion will be left for another day. Today we focus instead on finding an American citizen who will affirm that they live in a functioning democracy. This person is a rare as a passenger-pigeon. Americans acknowledge almost universally that the United States government is ruled by power interests; by money.
One hears it all the time — it is a commonplace — that the US system is an oligarchy. But this term is not well understood and confused with plutocracy.
An oligarchy is rule of a small group. This is emphatically not the case in the USA. If it is ruled by a group at all, it is a rather large group.
A plutocracy is a country or society governed by the wealthy; by the Money Power. That’s what the USA has; a plutocracy. You’ll thank me because this distinction is guaranteed to make a big splash at the Thanksgiving or Christmas table this year.
So here we are. An over two-thirds majority 68% of the American public support a cease-fire [not just a “pause”] in Palestine; 75% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans. And yet that support falls to something like 4% in Congress. How can this be? Everyone knows the answer. Look for the donations, lobbyists, and PAC money.
Neither the Congress nor the president have declared a war in Ukraine and yet we shovel BILLIONS into a losing war; a lost war. Ukraine, formerly recognized as one of the most corrupt nations in the world and now declared “a last bastion of democracy“ to be defended “to the last Ukrainian” and the staging ground for the USA’s last grasp at unipolarity - pull down Russia and pivot to China.
Meanwhile … ooops, the Middle East caught fire. What do you suppose it costs to send two carrier groups and a nuclear submarine to the Mediterranean and Red Seas?
Estimates vary, but the USA has somewhere around 750 military bases in 80 countries; and 173,000 troops in 159 different countries. And on the news we hear the constant refrain, “China is our real enemy.”
This is how republics die. This is history and you are living it.
Fasten your seat belts. We and our children are going on a ride in which you have had no choice and that can only end badly. If you plan to stand up at any point, this may be the time.
[Unable to find the citation or authorship of this striking cartoon; quite possibly Russian in origin. One can ALMOST make out the tiny text at bottom. The spurs are a nice touch … ]
AIPAC: America Israel Political Action Committee, perhaps the single most influential pro-Israel lobbying group.
CUFI: Christians United for Israel. Led by televangelist John Hagee, it is the largest pro-Israel lobbying group in membership — with over 10 million members.
All text content © 21st Century Restoration -- 2022 All Rights Reserved.
Thank you, professor, for clarifying the economic/political situation of the U.S. and its global servants. Between wars and climate disasters, it almost seems like karma.
Unfortunately for The People, the wealthy can build their secure hideaways with the profits from their war machine dividends while the war-displaced huddle at unwelcoming borders.
Nowhere is the division of wealth more evident than here in New York City. Nowhere the pain of oppression more apparent than Gaza. Yet still no Revolution. But of course, without real leadership, nothing will change for the better.
Biden alone admires his profile, while Trump screams in the wings for his chance at vengeance.
Hold your hat, bro, here we go. Empire in decline…
What is so troubling is that those who rise to roles of leadership in almost every society continue to pursue the age-old imperialist strategies of territorial expansion and resource monopoly. These have always led to war, massive killing and destruction. We do need measures to allow for an equitable distribution of income and wealth. One has to wonder whether an even more fundamental problem is how the planet has been carved up into sovereign-claiming nation-states.