"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
-- Thomas Paine
Dissertation on First Principles of Government (1795)
Words matter. Whoever controls the narrative controls the outcome.
Many, if not most, who identify as conservatives, especially self-identified “Christian Conservatives,” are not conservative at all. They are radicals who fraudulently
self-label as conservatives.
Let’s look at a common definition of “radical”
”advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social CHANGE [emphasis by 21stCR}; representing or supporting an extreme section of a political party.”
An authentic conservative, on the other hand, desires to preserve and maintain public order and social comity. A conservative will support the separation of church and state; protect the rights to freedom of assembly and speech; ensure the rights of habeas corpus and non-self-incrimination; preserve each and every Constitutional liberty and its reciprocal responsibility. The quintessence of conservatism is the preservation of liberty and justice for all.
America’s loudest self-declared conservatives are not conservative at all. They are radicals. Listen carefully to what they say and watch what they do. They want to overturn the government; overturn the prohibition against religious tests; overturn elections; overturn and destroy the system of public education, once the envy of the world and now increasingly a dumpster-fire thanks to decades of self-declared conservatives bent on destruction. This is no secret. They are open about it. But there is nothing conservative about overturning the republican (note the small “r”) constitutional order.
Let’s get our terms straight.
Those who support and uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States with liberty and justice for ALL are the conservatives, not the MAGA cap, Right-wing, Christian dominion seditionists. We have our terminology upside down and inside-out. These people are radicals and they are traitors. There is little or nothing conservative about them and it is crucially important to identify them correctly.
Once again:
”When we speak of right we ought always to unite with it the idea of duties; rights become duties by reciprocity. The right which I enjoy becomes my duty to guarantee it to another, and he to me; and those who violate the duty justly incur a forfeiture of the right.”
-- Thomas Paine
Dissertation on First Principles of Government (1795)
[1795 Paris edition from the author’s collection}
Remember to like and share this blog; make a comment. Next post or very soon, we’re taking the Democrat administration to the wood-shed. We defer to no party or person.
Thank you, professor. This is an extremely important point. The hijacking of language, is an important component of the political semantics meant to obscure the true meaning of the Radical Right. There are, however, truly conservative movements within, say, the Catholic Church, such as Opus Dei. In these, the Inquisition seeks rebirth. One nation under…