1). “Quotation marks”
Put quotes around search terms to search exactly for that phrase.
All results will have your terms in it.
Example: “Thomas Paine”
Gives you all Thomas Paine search results without just “Thomas” or just “Paine”
2). If you want to exclude a term from your search, include a hyphen before the term.
Example: rams-football
You just want dolphins the animal and not the Rams the pro football team.
3). Use tilde when you want synonyms to appear in the result.
Example: music~classes
Here you only get music classes, coaching, lessons, etc.
4). Site:
Use this search within a specific site only.
Example: “Thomas Paine” site:kennethburchell.substack.com
This searches for Thomas Paine mentions on that website only.
5). | Vertical bar
Used for the same purpose as “or”
Example: Netflix|Hulu
Netflix OR Hulu
6). Use two periods to search within two number ranges.
Esample: movies 1776..1825
7). Location:
Find news or information related to a particular location.
For example: Walter Winchel location:losangeles
8). Filetype:
Filter by a certain file type related to your search.
Example. “Thomas Paine” filetype:pdf
This filters out everything except that kind of file
Hope you find it useful.