Just keep dragging on public education. We'll get more of exactly what we've already got coming ... a bestial, ignorant, superstitious, resentful, and violent rabble governed by "me."
"... the children of a republic [must] be fitted for a society as well as for themselves. As each citizen is to participate in the power of governing others, it is an essential preliminary that he should be imbued with a feeling for the wants, and a sense of the rights, of those whom he is to govern; because the power of governing others, if guided by no higher motive than our own gratification, is the distinctive attribute of oppression."
Horace Mann -
Father of the Common Schools
Mark these words of my own and mark them well: without universal, compulsory, secular education there can be no liberty, no equality, no justice, no social fabric, no republic of humankind ... and no peace.
© Kenneth W. Burchell -- 2023 All Rights Reserved.
The Christian nation requires an ignorant populace. They’re doing pretty good…