People say to me all the time, “I can’t do anything about it.” Guess what? That is nonsense. You can and we must. Think about the power of many. If one person gives just ten dollars … not even the cost of a steak or a good bottle of liquor … that’s just ten dollars. But if ten people do it, that’s $100. If 100 people donate $10, that’s $1000.00. If a thousand people do it, that’s $10,000.00. And if ten thousand people donate, that’s $100,000.00. A million people — a small number by the world’s standard today — equals $10,000,000.00. Check the math on $20 — remember 4th grade math? It doubles all those numbers. That’s the power of many. Just DO something … and speak up to the best of your ability. Add your voice even in small ways. It counts for something, ESPECIALLY in your heart.
Here is a short list of donation targets that I personally recommend AND give to … regularly. Add your suggestions in the comments. The world won’t change unless WE change it.
Jewish Voice for Peace. NOBODY is doing more to end the occupation and ethnic cleansing of Gaza and Palestine.
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Reclaim Idaho works to take back Idaho for the reactionary, Right-wing forces that have nearly captured its politics and social life. I WORK for this cause:
You can donate to UNICEF below AND view their own list of suggestions:
Doctor’s Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Thank you. Shake off that feeling of helplessness. Take a step. STAND UP for our children, grandchildren, and for all living beings.
Whole-heartedly agree. I am but one, my donations necessarily small. While I continue to donate when able, I take daily action for people and planet. Together we make a difference. 💕
Martin Luther King Jr. made big changes by motivating people to out in the street in mass.
If you want change, you have to let the oligarch that you are not happy.
The Vietnam War ended because the mass protest scared the ruling class.