For the first 160 years of U.S. history, we had a Department of War; an honest name. This was renamed the Department of Defense in 1949, so we have had this less honest name for 75 years now. It’s no accident that this happened in the wake of the 1947/1948 National Security Act (NSA) that created the CIA and the National Security State. It was time to rebrand and disguise our actual intentions; therefore, “war” became “defense.”
In the ensuing time and in fact during the entire history of the country, the United States has never been attacked on its soil by another nation.
“What about 9-11,” some may ask? Well, whether one accepts the standard narrative that 9-11 was the work of Al Qaeda or whether you advocate one of the many alternate theories, none represents an attack by a foreign national adversary … unless you think Israel did it, in which case it would have been carried out by a nominal ally. ALL AMERICAN WARS in the ensuing time since the NSA have been carried out on foreign shores or waters in the interests of the doctrine of strategic dominance outlined in NSC-68. By the way, the Wikipedia has a fairly even-handed review of NSC-68. I wouldn’t waste time on the hog-wash written by the Office of the Historian of the United States that will come up first in most searches.
It’s difficult to argue that ANY of the numerous undeclared and arguably unconstitutional wars waged in our lifetime have been defensive in nature … unless you’re talking about defending the finances of international corporate interests or defending strategic dominance.
Let’s go back to 9-11. What did the DOD ie. Department of “Defence” do in retaliation? Responding to presidential command, it attacked and destroyed a country with no relationship to the 9-11 attackers, killing a half million innocent civilians in the process by credible accounts. Madeleine Albright said it was worth it. Not only was Iraq utterly uninvolved in 9-11, it was the deadly enemy of its perpetrators. And it was absolutely devoid of the “weapons of mass destruction” that U.S. President George Bush and National “Security” advisor Condoleezza Wright SWORE were there. Does anyone believe that was an act of “defense?” Or was it in fact an act of “war?”
Department of Defense: ”We Will Make War”
“Condoleezza Wright”? <g> Well, how ever you spell her name, she was wrong.
Very well said.