Along with the general decline in literacy, elocution, and good manners we are now treated to a quotidian PLAGUE of commentators, talking heads, newscasters, journalists, instant vlog experts, and just neighborhood dunderheads trying to sound intelligent by mindlessly parrotting the expression “this begs the question of _____ (insert whatever inanity one chooses per context) ___.”
NO - IT - DOESN’T !!!
It begs no such thing. It RAISES the question and you get zero points … in fact, minus points … for not knowing the difference. Here it is:
”Raising a question” is obvious and this is what people actually mean 99.99999% of the time when they say “begs” the question. One issue raises or brings up another.
”Begging the question” is a classification of logic and it is a logical fallacy. I know … “what’s THAT?” But we digress …
"Begging the question" takes place in a statement or claim that assumes a truth without evidence other than that claimed in the statement or claim itself. When you beg the question, the initial assumption of a statement is treated as self-evident or already proven. An obvious example taken from the Legal Information Institute:
“Wool sweaters are superior to nylon jackets as fall attire because wool sweaters have the higher wool content.” Here the assumption or question '“begged” is that wool is better insulation than nylon-fill. No evidence is provided. It is just assumed … or begged.
Another slightly more hidden example taken from the Grammarist website:
“We would all be free to do the right thing if only the government got out of the way. That's because every day people are intelligent enough to make their own choices.”
The claim here is that the country would be better if there were fewer governmental regulations. But it “begs the question” of whether citizens always make the right choices. Spoiler Alert !! They don’t.
Listen for the fallacy as well as for the misusage. Raise the bar on discourse and quality public education. We’re seeing the lack of it played out before our very eyes.
Thanks for this. It's been a pet peeve of mine for a long time!
The USA is ranked for literacy 150 out of 195 countries. By design?
Difficult to make informed choices.