Seems like a timely moment to share this again. Short and … not so sweet:
" … the belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man."
Thomas Paine
A Letter: Being an Answer to a Friend, on the publication of The Age of Reason (12 May 1797).
Be cautious what you worship or revere. Read and study your Thomas Paine. If you would like some recommendations, just ask.
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Portrait of Paine by an unknown artist; possibly Charles Wesley Jarvis (1812 - 1868), second son of the more famous American painter John Wesley Jarvis (1780 or 1781 – January 14, 1839), with whom Paine roomed for a time late in his life. Bottom line: unknown artist.
Instead of bringing in the ungodly and cruelty promoting bible to public school kids, they should introduce them to Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason. That will help them realize The Supreme Intelligence/God never commanded the Jews to commit genocide and that God does not burn people in hell, among many other important facts. Many of the kids would take to heart Thomas Paine's statement "I detest everything that is cruel" and realize you cannot accept any of the Abrahamic "revealed" religions if you detest cruelty.