Alexander Dugin is considered dangerous enough to be censored and banned in much of the West. Here’s your chance to hear him describe his views BRIEFLY and concisely. Once again, how ironic that Tucker-the-Fucker (to all libs - newsflash: I don’t like him much either) is one of the very few, however, with the nads to air him.
One more brief comment. The so-called “media” in the West has called him “Putin’s brain.” What do you think about his actual expressed ideas? Individualism v community?
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Ken, Here is the comment I posted to the video a few minutes ago:
Mr. Dugin's readings apparently have not included the philosophy embraced by Leo Tolstoy; namely, the principles of cooperative individualism described in the writings of the American political economist Henry George. What is cooperative individualism? This is a set of principles which secure and protect actual individual liberty within a cooperative societal framework. Critically, cooperative individualism requires that an essential role of government is to prevent monopolies and monopolistic privileges, privileges that cause a redistribution of wealth from producers to non-producing rentier elites.
Henry George built a global movement at the end of the 19th century around the principles of cooperative individualism. He argued rather persuasively that if societies publicly capture economic rents (from land, from natural resources, and from all natural assets having an inelastic supply), the revenue would be more than sufficient to meet the needs to pay for needed and desired public good and services. Taxation of earning income, of tangible capital goods and of commerce, he described as theft, a public theft required because of the private appropriation of rents. With this system change emerges the fully cooperative societal framework, characterized by equality of opportunity.